China-Africa Cooperation Forum | Beijing Declaration on Building a China-Africa Community with a Shared Future for the New Era Released!

On September 5, the Beijing Declaration on Building a China-Africa Community with a Shared Future for the New Era (Full Text) was released. Regarding energy, it mentions that China will support African countries in better utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind power. China will also further expand its investment in low-emission projects in energy-saving technologies, high-tech industries, and green low-carbon industries, assisting African countries in optimizing their energy and industrial structures, and developing green hydrogen and nuclear energy.

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China-Africa Cooperation Forum | Beijing Declaration on Building a China-Africa Community with a Shared Future for the New Era (Full Text)

We, the heads of state, government leaders, heads of delegations, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission from the People’s Republic of China and 53 African countries, held the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Beijing Summit from September 4 to 6, 2024, in China. The summit’s theme was “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.” The summit unanimously adopted the “Beijing Declaration on Building a China-Africa Community with a Shared Future for the New Era.”

I. On Building a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future

  1. We fully affirm the advocacy by China and Africa’s leaders in various international forums for building a community with a shared future for mankind, high-quality Belt and Road construction, global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives. We call on all countries to work together to build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, and cleanliness, promote global governance based on consultation, contribution, and sharing, practice common values of humanity, advance new types of international relations, and jointly move towards a bright future of peace, security, prosperity, and progress.
  2. China actively supports Africa’s efforts to accelerate regional integration and economic development through the implementation of the first decade of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the launch of the second decade’s implementation plan. Africa appreciates China’s support for starting the second decade of the Agenda 2063 implementation plan. China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Africa in the priority areas identified in the second decade of the Agenda 2063 implementation plan.
  3. We will work together to implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting on “Strengthening Experience Sharing on Governance and Exploring Modernization Pathways.” We believe that advancing modernization jointly is the historical mission and contemporary significance of building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. Modernization is a common pursuit of all countries, and it should be characterized by peaceful development, mutual benefit, and common prosperity. China and Africa are willing to expand exchanges between countries, legislative bodies, governments, and local provinces and cities, continuously deepen experience sharing on governance, modernization, and poverty reduction, and support each other in exploring modernization models based on their own civilizations, development needs, and technological and innovative advancements. China will always be a companion on Africa’s path to modernization.
  4. Africa highly values the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in July this year, noting that it has made systematic arrangements for further deepening reforms and advancing Chinese-style modernization, which will bring more development opportunities to countries worldwide, including Africa.
  5. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Africa appreciates China’s adherence to this important principle in developing relations with Africa, believing it is crucial for Africa’s development, maintaining friendly relations between nations, and respecting sovereignty and equality. China will continue to uphold the principles of sincerity, affinity, and mutual benefit, respect the political and economic choices made by African countries based on their own conditions, avoid interfering in Africa’s internal affairs, and not attach conditions to aid to Africa. Both China and Africa will always adhere to the enduring spirit of “China-Africa friendship and cooperation,” which includes “sincere friendship, equal treatment, mutual benefit, common development, fairness, and justice, as well as adapting to trends and embracing openness and inclusiveness,” to build a community with a shared future for China and Africa in the new era.
  6. We emphasize that China and Africa will support each other on issues involving core interests and major concerns. China reaffirms its firm support for Africa’s efforts to maintain national independence, unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty, security, and development interests. Africa reaffirms its firm adherence to the One China principle, stating that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inseparable part of China’s territory, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing all of China. Africa firmly supports China’s efforts to achieve national reunification. According to international law and the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, matters concerning Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet are internal affairs of China.
  7. We believe that promoting and protecting human rights, including the right to development, is a common cause of humanity and should be conducted on the basis of mutual respect, equality, and opposition to politicization. We strongly oppose the politicization of human rights agendas, the UN Human Rights Council, and its related mechanisms, and reject all forms of neo-colonialism and international economic exploitation. We call on the international community to resolutely resist and combat all forms of racism and racial discrimination and oppose intolerance, stigmatization, and incitement to violence based on religious or belief reasons.
  8. China supports African countries in playing a greater role and having a greater impact in global governance, particularly in addressing global issues within an inclusive framework. China believes that Africans are qualified to assume leadership roles in international organizations and institutions and supports their appointment. Africa appreciates China’s proactive support for the African Union’s formal membership in the G20. China will continue to support priority issues related to Africa in G20 affairs, and welcomes more African countries to join the BRICS family. We also welcome the Cameroonian individual who will chair the 79th UN General Assembly.
  9. China and Africa jointly advocate for an equal and orderly world multipolarity, firmly maintaining the international system with the UN at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic principles of international relations based on the UN Charter. We call for necessary reforms and strengthening of the UN, including the Security Council, to address historical injustices suffered by Africa, including increasing the representation of developing countries, particularly African countries, in the UN and its Security Council. China supports special arrangements to address Africa’s demands in Security Council reform.

China has noted the “Statement on Establishing a Unified Front for the Just Cause and Compensation Payments to Africa” released at the 37th AU Summit in February 2024, which opposes historical crimes such as slavery, colonialism, and apartheid and calls for compensation to restore justice to Africa. We believe that Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, and Zimbabwe have the right to decide their own destinies, continue to advance economic and social development, and demand that the West end long-term sanctions and unfair treatment of these countries.

  1. China and Africa jointly advocate for inclusive and equitable economic globalization, responding to the common demands of countries, especially developing countries, and paying high attention to Africa’s concerns. We call for reforms in the international financial system, improvement in development financing for Southern countries, to achieve common prosperity and better meet Africa’s development needs. We will actively participate in and promote reforms in multilateral financial institutions, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, focusing on reforms related to quotas, special drawing rights, and voting rights. We call for increased representation and voice for developing countries, making the international monetary and financial system fairer and better reflecting changes in the global economic landscape.

China and Africa will continue to uphold the core values and principles of the World Trade Organization, oppose “decoupling and breaking chains,” resist unilateralism and protectionism, protect the legitimate interests of developing members, including China and Africa, and invigorate global economic growth. China supports achieving development-oriented results at the 14th WTO Ministerial Conference, which will be held on the African continent in 2026. China and Africa will actively participate in WTO reforms, advocating for reforms that build an inclusive, transparent, open, non-discriminatory, and fair multilateral trading system, strengthen the central role of development issues in WTO work, and ensure a comprehensive and well-functioning dispute settlement mechanism while upholding WTO’s basic principles. We condemn unilateral coercive measures by some developed countries that infringe on the sustainable development rights of developing countries and oppose unilateralism and protectionist measures such as carbon border adjustment mechanisms under the pretext of addressing climate change and protecting the environment. We are committed to creating a safe and stable supply chain for critical minerals to benefit the world and promote the sustainable development of China-Africa relations. We welcome the UN General Assembly’s initiative to establish a key minerals group for energy transition and call for assistance to raw material supplying countries to enhance their industrial chain value.

II. Promoting High-Quality Belt and Road Construction in Alignment with the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

(12) We will jointly implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting on “High-Quality Belt and Road Construction: Creating a Modern Development Platform for Consultation, Construction, and Sharing.” Guided by the Silk Road spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and win-win benefits, and in combination with the promotion of the AU’s Agenda 2063 and the China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035, we will adhere to the principles of consultation, construction, and sharing, and uphold the concepts of openness, green development, and integrity. We aim to build the China-Africa Belt and Road Initiative into a high-standard, people-benefitting, and sustainable cooperative pathway. We will continue to align the high-quality Belt and Road construction with the AU’s Agenda 2063 goals, the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and the development strategies of African countries, making greater contributions to international cooperation and global economic growth. African countries warmly congratulate the successful hosting of the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in October 2023. We unanimously support future UN summits and the positive “Future Pact” to better implement the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

(13) As an important partner in Africa’s development agenda, China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the forum’s African member countries, the African Union and its affiliated institutions, and African sub-regional organizations. We will actively participate in implementing the African Infrastructure Development Plan (PIDA), the Presidential Infrastructure Champions Initiative (PICI), the African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD), the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), and the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) among other pan-African plans. We support Africa’s economic integration and connectivity, deepen and accelerate China-Africa cooperation on key cross-border and cross-regional infrastructure projects, and promote Africa’s development. We support aligning these plans with Belt and Road cooperation projects to enhance logistics connectivity between China and Africa and elevate trade and economic levels.

(14) We emphasize the significance of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), noting that full implementation of the AfCFTA will add value, create jobs, and boost economic development in Africa. China supports Africa’s efforts to strengthen trade integration and will continue to support the comprehensive establishment of the AfCFTA, the promotion of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System, and the introduction of African products through platforms such as the China International Import Expo and the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo. We welcome Africa’s use of the “green channel” for African agricultural products entering China. China is willing to sign joint economic partnership framework agreements with interested African countries, promoting more flexible and pragmatic trade and investment liberalization arrangements and expanding access for African countries. This will provide long-term, stable, and predictable institutional guarantees for China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, and China will expand unilateral access for the least developed countries, including African nations, and encourage Chinese enterprises to increase direct investment in Africa.

(15) We will enhance China-Africa investment cooperation, advance industry chain and supply chain cooperation, and improve the capacity for producing and exporting high-value-added products. We support our enterprises in actively using various mutually beneficial cooperation models, encourage financial institutions on both sides to strengthen cooperation, and expand bilateral local currency settlement and diversified foreign exchange reserves. China supports local-level trade and economic exchange platforms with Africa, promotes the development of local parks and Chinese economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa, and advances the construction of China’s central and western regions’ access to Africa. China encourages its enterprises to expand investment in Africa and employ local labor while fully respecting international law, local laws and regulations, customs, and religious beliefs, actively fulfilling social responsibilities, supporting local production and processing in Africa, and assisting African countries in achieving independent and sustainable development. China is willing to sign and effectively implement bilateral investment promotion and facilitation agreements to provide a stable, fair, and convenient business environment for enterprises from both China and Africa and safeguard the security and legitimate rights and interests of personnel, projects, and institutions. China supports the development of African SMEs and encourages Africa to make good use of the special loans for SME development. Both sides appreciate China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Alliance in Africa, which implements the “100 Companies, 1000 Villages” initiative to guide Chinese enterprises in Africa to fulfill their social responsibilities.

(16) We attach great importance to Africa’s development financing concerns and strongly call for international financial institutions to allocate more funds to developing countries, including African nations, and optimize the approval process for providing funds to Africa to enhance financing convenience and fairness. China is willing to continue supporting African financial institutions. Africa appreciates China’s significant contributions to debt management for African countries, including debt treatment under the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative’s Common Framework and the provision of $10 billion in IMF Special Drawing Rights to African countries. We call on international financial institutions and commercial creditors to participate in African debt management based on the principles of “joint action, fair burden,” and to assist African countries in addressing this critical issue. In this context, support for developing countries, including Africa, should be increased to provide long-term affordable financing for their development. We reiterate that sovereign ratings of developing countries, including those in Africa, affect their borrowing costs and should be more objective and transparent. We encourage the establishment of an African rating agency under the AU framework and the support of the African Development Bank to create a new evaluation system that reflects Africa’s economic uniqueness. We call for the reform of multilateral development banks to provide complementary development financing within their mandates, including increased subsidies, preferential financing, and the creation of new financing tools tailored to the needs of African countries, to help achieve sustainable development goals.

III. The Global Development Initiative as a Strategic Framework for Joint Actions in China-Africa Development

(17) We are committed to implementing the Global Development Initiative and actively engaging in cooperation under this framework to build high-quality partnerships. Africa appreciates China’s proposed actions under the Global Development Initiative to help expand food production in Africa and encourages China to increase agricultural investment and deepen technology cooperation. We welcome the “Friends of the Global Development Initiative” group and the “Global Development Promotion Center Network” in pushing the international community to focus on key development issues to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and to ensure the success of future UN summits while addressing concerns of developing countries. We welcome the establishment of the China-Africa (Ethiopia)-UNIDO Cooperation Demonstration Center, aimed at promoting economic development in “Global South” countries.

(18) We will jointly implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting on “Industrialization, Agricultural Modernization, and Green Development: The Path to Modernization.” Africa appreciates the “Support for African Industrialization Initiative,” “China-Africa Agricultural Modernization Plan,” and “China-Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan” announced at the 2023 China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, as these initiatives align with Africa’s priorities and contribute to integration and development.

(19) We support the roles of the China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Center, the China-Africa Ocean Science and Blue Economy Cooperation Center, and the China-Africa Geoscience Cooperation Center in promoting projects such as the “China-Africa Green Envoy Program,” “China-Africa Green Innovation Program,” and the “African Light Belt.” We welcome the active role of the China-Africa Energy Partnership, with China supporting African countries in better utilizing renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, hydropower, and wind energy. China will further expand investments in low-emission projects, including energy-saving technologies, high-tech industries, and green low-carbon industries, to help African countries optimize their energy and industrial structures and develop green hydrogen and nuclear energy. China supports the operation of the AUDA-NEPAD Climate Resilience and Adaptation Center.

(20) To seize the historic opportunities of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, China is willing to work with Africa to accelerate the development of new productive forces, enhance technological innovation and achievement transformation, and deepen the integration of the digital economy with the real economy. We must jointly improve global technology governance and create an inclusive, open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory technology development environment. We emphasize that the peaceful use of technology is an inalienable right granted to all countries by international law. We support the UN General Assembly resolution on “Promoting Peaceful Uses of Technology in International Security” and ensuring that developing countries fully enjoy the right to peaceful technology use. We commend the UN General Assembly’s consensus on the resolution “Strengthening International Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence Capacity Building.” Africa welcomes China’s proposals for the “Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative” and the “Global Data Security Initiative” and appreciates China’s efforts to enhance developing countries’ rights in global governance of AI, cybersecurity, and data. China and Africa agree to work together to address the misuse of AI through measures such as establishing national codes of conduct and developing digital literacy. We believe that both development and security should be prioritized, continually bridging the digital and intelligence divides, jointly managing risks, and exploring international governance frameworks with the UN as the main channel. We welcome the Shanghai Declaration on Global Artificial Intelligence Governance adopted at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in July 2024 and the African AI Consensus Declaration adopted at the High-Level Forum on AI in Rabat in June 2024.

IV. The Global Security Initiative Provides Strong Momentum for Joint Actions by China and Africa to Maintain International Peace and Security

  1. We are committed to upholding a shared, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security vision and will work together to implement the Global Security Initiative and engage in preliminary cooperation under this framework. We will jointly implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting on “Moving Towards a Future of Lasting Peace and Universal Security to Provide a Solid Foundation for Modernization Development.” We are dedicated to resolving African issues through African approaches and advancing the “Silencing the Guns in Africa” initiative together. China will actively participate in mediation and arbitration efforts on regional hotspots at the request of African parties, contributing positively to achieving peace and stability in Africa.

We believe that the “African Peace and Security Architecture” is a powerful and ideal normative framework for addressing peace and security challenges and threats on the African continent and call on the international community to support this framework. Africa appreciates China’s “Horn of Africa Peace and Development Initiative.” We reaffirm our commitment to close cooperation on African peace and security issues within the United Nations Security Council to safeguard our common interests. We emphasize the importance of peace and the role of United Nations peacekeeping operations in maintaining international and African peace and security. China supports providing financial support for African-led peacekeeping operations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2719. We commend Africa’s efforts in combating the growing threat of terrorism, particularly in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel region, and call for global counter-terrorism resources to be further allocated to developing countries, assisting African nations, especially those affected by terrorism, in strengthening their counter-terrorism capacities. We reaffirm our commitment to addressing new maritime security threats faced by coastal African countries, combating transnational organized crimes such as drug trafficking, arms trafficking, and human trafficking. China supports the AUDA-NEPAD’s proposed Peace, Security, and Development Nexus Plan and will support the implementation of related plans by the AU Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Center.

  1. We are deeply concerned about the severe humanitarian disaster in Gaza caused by the recent Israel-Palestine conflict and its negative impact on global security. We call for the effective implementation of relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and an immediate ceasefire. China appreciates Africa’s significant role in pushing for an end to the Gaza conflict, including efforts to achieve a ceasefire, release hostages, and increase humanitarian aid. Africa appreciates China’s substantial efforts to support the just cause of the Palestinian people. We reaffirm the critical importance of a comprehensive solution based on the “two-state solution,” supporting the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with full sovereignty, based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, coexisting peacefully with Israel. We call for support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to continue its work and avoid the humanitarian, political, and security risks that might arise from any interruption or cessation of its work. We support all efforts conducive to a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis. We call on the international community not to reduce support and investment in Africa due to the Israel-Palestine conflict or the Ukraine crisis, and to actively support African countries in addressing global challenges such as food security, climate change, and energy crises.

V. The Global Civilization Initiative Injects Vitality into Deepening Cultural and Civilizational Dialogue between China and Africa

  1. We are committed to implementing the Global Civilization Initiative, strengthening cultural exchanges, and promoting mutual understanding among peoples. Africa highly values China’s proposal for the “International Day of Civilization Dialogue” at the United Nations and is willing to jointly advocate for respect for civilizational diversity, promote shared human values, value the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and actively promote cultural exchanges and cooperation. China highly values the AU’s 2024 theme year, “Education Fit for 21st Century Africans: Building Resilient Education Systems and Enhancing Enrollment in Inclusive, Lifelong, High-Quality Education in Africa,” and supports Africa’s education modernization through the “China-Africa Talent Development Cooperation Plan.” China encourages Chinese companies to enhance training and educational opportunities for their African employees. China and Africa support lifelong learning and will continue to strengthen cooperation in technology transfer, education, and capacity building, jointly cultivating talents for governance modernization, economic and social development, technological innovation, and improving people’s livelihoods. We will further expand exchanges and cooperation in education, technology, health, tourism, sports, youth, women’s issues, think tanks, media, and culture, and strengthen the social foundation for China-Africa friendship. China supports the 2026 Youth Olympic Games to be held in Dakar. China and Africa will enhance personnel exchanges in science and technology, education, trade, culture, tourism, and other fields.
  2. We commend the joint publication of the “China-Africa Dar es Salaam Consensus” by scholars from China and Africa, which offers constructive ideas on addressing current global challenges and reflects a strong consensus on China-Africa views. We support strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa think tanks and sharing development experiences. We believe that cultural cooperation is a crucial way to enhance dialogue and mutual understanding between different civilizations and cultures. We encourage cultural institutions from China and Africa to establish friendly relations and strengthen local and grassroots cultural exchanges.

VI. Review and Outlook on the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

  1. Since its establishment in 2000, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has focused on achieving common prosperity and sustainable development for the people of China and Africa. The mechanism has been continuously improved, and practical cooperation has yielded significant results, making it a unique and effective platform for South-South cooperation and leading international cooperation with Africa. We highly appreciate the fruitful outcomes of the follow-up actions to the “Nine Projects” proposed at the 8th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC in 2021, the “Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024),” the “China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035,” and the “Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Climate Change,” which have promoted high-quality development of China-Africa cooperation.
  2. We commend the dedication and outstanding work of the ministers participating in the 9th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC. In accordance with the spirit of this declaration, the “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation – Beijing Action Plan (2025-2027)” has been adopted, and China and Africa will continue to work closely to ensure that the action plan is comprehensively and unanimously implemented.
  3. We thank President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and President Macky Sall of Senegal for jointly chairing the 2024 FOCAC Beijing Summit.
  4. We appreciate Senegal for its contributions to the development of the forum and China-Africa relations during its term as co-chair from 2018 to 2024.
  5. We thank the government and people of the People’s Republic of China for their warm hospitality and facilitation during the 2024 FOCAC Beijing Summit.
  6. We welcome the Republic of Congo to take over as co-chair of the forum from 2024 to 2027 and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to assume the role from 2027 to 2030. It has been decided that the 10th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC will be held in the Republic of Congo in 2027.

Post time: Sep-16-2024